This Notebook Contains practice question for the note on Condition statements.
Q1: Write a program to get a number as input and print if it is odd or even.
Sample 1:
I/P: 10
O/P: Even
Sample 2:
I/P: 11
O/P: Odd
Q2: Write a program to get a number as input and check whether it is positive, negative or zero.
Sample 1:
I/P: 10
O/P: Positive
Sample 2:
I/P: 0
O/P: Zero
Sample 3:
I/P: -5
O/P: Negative
Q3: Write a program to get the mark of a student as input print his grade.
mark < 0 or mark > 100: Invalid
90 < mark <= 100: O
80 < mark <= 90 : A+
70 < mark <= 80 : A
60 < mark <= 70 : B+
50 <= mark <= 60: B
0 <= mark < 50: Fail
Sample 1:
I/P: 85
O/P: A+
Sample 2:
I/P: 10
O/P: Fail
Q4: Write a program to get the age of the user and print if he is eligible to vote.
Condition: A person is eligible to vote if his/her age is greater than or equal to 18
Sample 1:
I/P: 10
O/P: Ineligible
Sample 2:
I/P: 27
O/P: Eligible
Q5: Code a simple Calculator.
Q6: Write a program to get an input from the user and print if it is a vowel or a consonant.
Q7: Write a program to two numbers and print the greatest of them.
Q8: Write a program to get three numbers and the print the greatest of them.
Q9: Write a program to check if a number is a perfect square or not.
Q10: The humidity (in percentage) and temperature (in celsius) value in a city is given as the input to the program. The program must print YES as the output if there is a possibility of rain. Else the program must print NO as the output. If one of the conditions given below is true then there is a possibility of rain.
Q11: Write a program to get a year as input and print if it is a leap year or not.
A year is leap if it is either divisible 4
or 400
and not 100