- Introduction
- Program
- Programming Language
- Types of programming language
- Parts in programming
- Types of programming languages
- Introduction to C
- Basic structure
- Data types - (Basic and derived)
- Tokens
- Keywords
- Literals
- Identifiers - variables and constants
- Variable declaration and initialization
- Constant declaration
- Operators
- Arithmetic
- Logical
- Relational
- Bitwise
- Assignment
- Miscellaneous operators
- Introduction
- Tokens - continued
- Operator precedence
- Special Symbols
- Expression
- Output Handling
statement- Format specifiers
- Modifiers
- List of format specifiers
- Comments
- Input Handling -
statement - Type Casting and Conversion
- Tokens - continued
Introduction to C - Part 3
Limits and Memory allocation for various data types, output formatting - String float and integer formatting, Storage classes for variables.
Condition Statements
,if..else if..else
andTernary operator
Loops - Part 1
Introduction to Loops, Types, definite Loopingfor
loop, pre- vs post-increment operators -
Loops - Part 2
Indefinite Looping,while
loop, indefinite looping usingwhile
, while vs do..while loop, infinite looping, Loop control statement
Introduction to Functions
Introduction to Functions, function declaration and definition, function calls,return
statement, function arguments - call by value and call by reference, scope of variable - Global, local variables, formal parameters, Initializing Local and Global Variables -
Introduction to recursion, recursive functions, examples, types of recursion
Arrays and Strings
Basics of Arrays
Introduction, Declarations, Initialization, Index - assigning and getting values, Printing out array, Getting array input -
Array Parameters and Multi-dimensional Arrays
Passing arrays as arguments - Sized parameter, un-sized parameter, Multi-dimensional arrays - introduction, dimension, declaration, initialization, accessing and assigning elements
- Pointers
- Structures and Unions
Practice Questions
The solutions for the questions will be added Soon